The Unfolding Body: YogaSOMATICS Online Immersion

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A YogaSOMATICS online immersion exploring the authentic nature of enfolding and coming towards ourselves, just as we are. In time, the enfolding will then naturally unfold to the new.

We will use inward-moving yoga “asanas” or gestures to awaken and spread out the back body in a spherical way through a process called Involution. Involution is a process of becoming Self in the womb with inward movements on a spiral with its own momentum.

From Involution, we will move outwards from centre to a process called Expansion: a sacred and symbolic gesture of opening which is a somatic communication of Becomingness through. This is the willingness to move outward from your inner eyes.

Using these “forms-in-flow” to move deeply towards the heart; to fold in our experience towards new creation, awareness and new perception of our personal inner “universe”. This immersion will be a combination of floor and standing yoga gestures, somatic movement, meditation, relaxation and energetic work.

YogaSOMATICS is a contemporary perspective of yoga that is immediate, fluid and experiential. It bridges traditional yoga, modern somatics, meditative techniques and inquiry towards conciousness. YogaSOMATICS encourages sensing and deep listening to make inner contact with oneself and the energetic body.


Option 1: Wednesday 3rd April (20 places available)


Option 2: Wednesday 10th April (20 places available)

From 18:00 -19:30 Irish / 19:00 - 20:30 Spanish time via Zoom

Zoom link and practicalities will be sent the day before the first class of each journey. Each class Zoom recording will be available for a 7-day playback.


An attendance certificate will be provided for 1.5 hours after each immersion.



SUITABILITY: The immersion is open to all levels. If you have any injuries or illnesses that may affect you practicing or if you are pregnant, please let me know and contact me directly in advance to discuss

WAIVER: By registering for this class, I understand that I must be in good physical health in order to participate in these online classes, that my participation may cause an injury and that I should consult with my physician before I take a class. I am taking these classes at my own risk. I waive any claim for personal injury and any other damages that I may have against Aura Space Spain.

The Unfolding Body:
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