Benefits of Yin and Yoga Nidra during Lockdown

Lockdown is where we are. For now. And we are processing. A lot. There is a need for space; mentally, physically and emotionally and a way to ground our energy. Our home spaces have become schools, offices, gyms and yoga studios practically overnight. 

And our lives have become compacted and restricted so we are operating and juggling many functions and roles from home. 

So, what is our balm in these unsettling times? Yin and Yoga Nidra.

These are both calming and deeply restorative forms of yoga and the ideal solution to find stillness in the body and mind. We need this. 

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5 Benefits of Yin:

1. Calming the Mind

Yin is the perfect way to calm the mind. Yin is a passive form of yoga which is about slowing down and finding stillness. The poses are practiced mainly seated on the floor and held for approximately 3-5 minutes.

2. Releasing Tension

As we work along the “energy lines” or meridians in the body, we can release tension or stress and clear stagnation.

3. Reducing Stress and Anxiety

As we move into deeper poses in Yin, we relax the connective tissues (Fascia) around the muscles which cause tightness, which can relax the nervous system.

4. Improve Circulation and Increasing Flexibility

The long-held deep stretches of Yin help to access deep fascial tension opening up energy flow and releasing tightness. It also helps boost the lymphatic system, therefore improving our immunity.

5. Time for Self-Reflection

It can provide time for self-reflection, contemplation and quiet. In our time-poverty society where people are stressed, Yin is an ideal self-care tool.

Structure during lockdown

Structure is important during lockdown, but also somewhat challenging to achieve. Our usual structures have been dismantled so we are trying to design new ones that will fit our new way of existing. And it’s hard. Really hard.

Effect on Sleep

Another noticeable impact of lockdown is the effect on our sleep. Again, our usual routines may be slightly shaken up with going to bed later, feeling unsettled or experiencing sleep disruption. Our minds are addled and some say they are experiencing forgetfulness and find it difficult to distinguish days and months. Yes, it’s a lot. 

There are also several studies that look at the effect of Yin Yoga-like stresses physiologically. These studies provide evidence that the stresses applied during a Yin Yoga practice can lead to greater physiological and psychological well-being.
— Bernie Clark, a prominent Yin Yoga teacher on the benefits of Yin:

5 Benefits of Yoga Nidra:


1. Calming the Mind

Yoga Nidra is the ideal way to calm the fluctuations of the mind and give the brain time to rest. It is a meditative form of yoga practiced lying down in corpse pose or “Savasana”. If you find that your mind is constantly busy with “chatter” and your body feels stressed, Yoga Nidra is the ideal antidote for calming the mind and relaxing the nervous system.

2. Improves Sleep Quality

Studies have shown that a 30-minute practice is equal to 3 hours of sleep. It is a deeply restorative form of yoga also known as “yogic sleep”. Yoga Nidra will bring you into deeper states of consciousness as you follow the guided meditation and the practice will end with blissful silence.

3. Relaxing the Nervous System

Yoga Nidra will help you access a deeply relaxed state and rebalance and repair the nervous system. When we reach this place of deep relaxation, this is where healing takes place. It is like a bubble bath for the nervous system. And don’t we all need this right now.

4. Improves Concentration 

Yoga Nidra practices help to reduce mental activity and stimulation. It can be particularly useful in this new way of living, where there is a huge reliance on technology. As you enter a state of nothingness, it can clear out the mental clutter and make space in the mind; thus improving concentration.

5. Increases Creativity and Intuition

As Yoga Nidra helps us access different brain states such as alpha and theta, our intuition is heightened as we relax the body and the mind. Therefore, we are more easily able to enter the dreamlike theta states associated with intuition, creativity, and self-connection.

As we are disconnected from each other, there is less social interaction and human contact. We are living quite isolated lives which is difficult. Practicing yoga together in a group setting, even if it is virtual promotes social contact and creates a feeling of togetherness which is needed in these times.

My Classes

My classes are taught through the lens of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and the 5 Elements.  We target the meridian lines in the body and align our bodies and rhythms with the cycles of nature. Each meridian corresponds to a specific organ which is linked to a particular Element and season. There will be time for reflection and self-enquiry which will help you with your own personal development and inner journey. 

My Background

My background as a psychotherapist, and study of the human psyche and Self forms a big part of my teachings and you will get the opportunity to go inwards and connect to your own Being. I also weave in some spiritual teachings, free movement, poetry and music so it is also a fun, creative practice! My recent training in YogaSomatics which encompasses energetics is also a part of my offerings. 

The essence of Yin is stillness. The essence of Nidra is deep rest. 

These ancient sacred practices will connect you back to your body, calm the mind and allow you to connect back to your own energy. Stillness promotes greater mental stability.

So what do we need to help us stay centred amid the chaos? Yin and Yoga Nidra. 

Come visit my Living Room to check them out. I will guide you from Sofa to Softness.


Visit the Living Room Yoga Store

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Spring and the Wood Element in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) ~ 5 Element Theory